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The Release Agreement Trap: Avoiding Costly Mistakes in Construction Contracts


One of the most important documents in the construction industry is the release, which serves as proof of payment for completed work. However, many contractors make the mistake of signing a release without ensuring that it includes one key thing – a clear statement of what is being released.

In this episode, Alex explains why it’s crucial for contractors to carefully review any release before signing it, and what specific language should be included to protect their rights. He also shares real-life examples of how a poorly worded release can result in lost payment and legal disputes.

As a trusted authority in construction law, Alex offers practical advice and actionable tips for contractors to protect themselves and their business. By listening to this episode, contractors can gain a better understanding of the importance of properly drafting and reviewing releases, and how to avoid costly mistakes.

TheLienZone Podcast is a must-listen for anyone in the construction industry in Florida, offering insights and information on a wide range of legal issues related to construction. Tune in and stay informed to ensure your success and protect your rights as a contractor.

About Alex Barthet

Alexander Barthet is a board certified construction attorney in Florida and holds a B.S. in mechanical engineering.  He manages The Barthet Firm, a ten lawyer construction law firm in Miami, and maintains a construction law blog at He can be reached at 305-347-5295 or

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